Thursday, April 14, 2011

Tiger - Don't Say He Was.. Proudly Say He Is.. To Generation To Come....

The tiger (Panthera tigris), a member of the Felidae family, is the largest of the four "big cats" in the genus panthera. The tiger is native to much of eastern and southern Asia, and is an apex predator and an obligate carnivore. Tigers have a lifespan of 10–15 years in the wild, but can live longer than 20 years in captivity. Tigers are well known for their immense strength and power. They are known to bring down animals weighing almost ten times their own weight and then dragging them away to shelter. A tiger weighs between 130 -80kgs. Tigers grow to an average height of 90cms.India is home to the world's largest population of tigers in the wild. According to the World Wildlife Fund, of the 3,500 tigers around the world, 1,400 are found in India.

Tiger Species Index,

There are six species of tigers, bengal tiger, siberian tiger, sumatran tiger, malayan tiger, indochinese tiger, south china tiger. This is an overview of the tiger species.

  • Bengal Tiger

The Bengal tiger is found in India as well as Bangladesh and it is known to live both in the heated areas of desert and the grasslands where it is wet and cool.

  • Siberian Tiger

The siberian tiger is the largest of all tigers. As its name implies, it inhabits the region of siberia in Russia.

  • Sumatran Tiger

You will find the Sumatran Tiger in the island of Sumatra. The Sumatran Tiger is smaller than other species of tigers.

  • Malayan Tiger

The Malayan Tiger is only found around the Malayan Pennisula which is where the name comes from

  • Indochinese Tiger

The Indochinese Tiger is found in areas of Vietnam, Thailand, China, and Cambodia.

  • South China Tiger

The South China Tiger features a very vibrant color of orange with black stripes on it.

Extinct Tiger Species..

Those that don’t take the alarmingly low numbers of the various species of tigers serious need to take a look at those that are no longer with us. There are some species of tigers that have been extinct for a very long time. We certainly don’t want to add to the list of them by seeing any of the species we still have around becoming a thing of the past.

· The Balinese Tiger became extinct in 1937 and until that time they resided on the Island of Bali. They were very small tigers and their extinction was due to being hunted in large numbers.

· In the 1950’s the Caspian Tiger became extinct. There were believed to be a subspecies of the Siberian Tiger. This was a huge loss to the people of Asia due to the huge connection that their culture has to the Caspian Tiger.

· The last species of tigers to become extinct occurred in the 1980’s with the Javan Tiger. Their loss was due to the combination of hunting as well as their natural habitat being destroyed.

We have already allowed 3 of the tiger species to be wiped completely off the face of the Earth. The remaining 6 species are all in jeopardy of suffering the same fate. Some of them have drastically low numbers that could indicate they will be extinct in less than 10 years. This isn’t a reality that any of us should be willing to be a part of. Tigers aren’t out there stalking men to eat them or violent animals as so many people want to believe. Instead they are solitary creatures that are simply trying to survive. The false information that continues to circulate about them though means many people don’t view them as worthy of protecting or saving.

Most people simply don’t realize that their numbers are that low. Education is a big part of the solution to this problem. Once people realize how close the species of tigers are to extinction the more likely they are to jump onboard and help out.

Once a tiger species does become extinct, we can never get that part of our world back. They become part of history but never part of the future. Don’t assume that keeping some of these species alive in zoos is the answer to the problem. You simply can’t breed them with good genetics as the number of them dwindles due to the close relationships of their DNA. Let’s all learn from past mistakes and make our world one that does include the species of tigers we have left.

Thanks For Your Time To Know About Our National Animal.. Pass This Information To Many, As Much As You Can....... We Can Make The Difference....


Pradeep Kumar.